Transformation Tuesday 10/15/2019

This week, we tackle a 2 part series. Our client wanted a mossrock flowerbed around the front porch. They started the work themselves but decided to call Desert Rose for some help. They wanted waterwise colorful plants planted and gravel spread outside the beds.
We picked up where the client left off and started the moss rock border on the right side of the steps. We continued the border to the corner of the house and leveled out the area to prep it for planting. With the clients approval, we positioned the plants and started to plant.
Phil selected Tickseed, Catmint, Firewheels, Powis Castle, Lavenders, Yarrows, Texas Sage and Russian sage to fill in the beds. We also planted honeysuckle to climb on the porch beam and installed an irrigation system to take care of the watering. Red colored bark was spread in the flowerbeds to add extra color and help control the weeds.
Next, we began to work on the area outside the flowerbed. The client wanted a few plants in the gravel area so it didn’t look too bare. Some Russian Sage was planted in addition with a Fernbush. We put down weed barrier and covered it with 3/8" Santa Fe Brown Gravel to finish the front yard.
The client was happy that the work they started was finally complete! Look for next week's post to see the transformation of the side yard!