Maximizing Small Properties: Size Does Not Matter

Happy April from Desert Rose! In this month's blog, we will highlight a few ways to maximize a smaller property. Those with small yards, don’t despair - just because you have less space doesn’t mean you have fewer options! The first step is to determine what kind of landscape you want. Do you want to have a patio for entertaining? Do you prefer to have a luscious garden? Or perhaps you want a xeriscaped yard with mostly gravel and a few cacti? Any of these are great options and there are still more beautiful and fun possibilities. The main thing to remember with a smaller yard is to NOT overcrowd, whether it is plants, pots, furniture, or yard art (this is the easiest way to make a small yard feel even smaller). With proper planning and design, your yard will feel open and welcoming.
A huge asset to small yards is height. Tall, thin trees such as Crimson Spires Oak, Sky Rocket Juniper, and Italian Cypress can not only add height but can become a strong focal point without crowding your yard. With smaller yards, adding different heights or "layers" to your yard will prevent your yard from feeling flat and monotone. This can be done using landscape block, moss rock, or landscape timbers. Lastly, you are going to want to create clear lines and areas. For example, border a flagstone patio with moss rock to create a distinct line between the entertaining area and garden, or line a walkway with pathway landscape lights and some sort of border (such as metal edging or moss rock).
If you are confused about how to make the most out of your yard, no matter what the size, give us a call. We have the experience and creativity to maximize your yard and help you to create the best yard for your budget and property size. As they say, it is not the size of the yard but what you do with it that matters!