Plant of the Week 10/16/2020

Yellow Twig Dogwood
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'
Zone 2-8
Beautiful, bright yellow stems help to brighten up your yard during the winter months. In spring, white clusters of flowers appear that are followed by white berries. The dark green foliage lightens to a vibrant yellow in the autumn. A moderate grower that can reach 8' tall and 9' wide if not pruned in the winter.
It is recommended to prune 1/3 of the older stems annually to keep this shrub looking its best. Plant in part to full sun and water regularly for best growth and color. Prefers well-drained soil but tolerates a wide variety of soil types. Looks great when planted alternately with red twig dogwoods to add lots of color to your yard during the winter months! Also a great shrub for winter pots!