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Transformation Tuesday: Dirt to Delight

Our client’s backyard was a blank canvas—just dirt, weeds, and a few trees, nothing like the landscaped front yard.

We designed a stunning transformation, incorporating raised beds of varying heights and lengths, along with smooth flagstone pathways for easy access around the property. The raised beds were thoughtfully designed with winding shapes, and we installed irrigation systems to ensure hassle-free watering.

To create year-round beauty, we selected a variety of plants and grasses with staggered bloom times, providing the client with a continuous display of flowers throughout the growing season. We also added bark mulch to the flowerbeds, helping to retain moisture, reduce weeds, and offer a striking contrast of color and texture against the Pueblo Rose gravel.

The result?

A beautifully landscaped backyard that our client is thrilled with. We’re so glad to have turned their outdoor space into something special!


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