Transformation Tuesday 10/29/2019

Our client had purchased the house with beautiful rock terraced beds already in place, but there were very few plants in the beds. The irrigation needed some work and the tree in the middle of the flowerbed was more of an eyesore. The client wanted a water-wise variety of plants. He also wanted a yard that would look nice year-round. With this in mind, we had a good idea of what the client wanted and went to work on the design.
Since the rock flowerbeds were already in place, we started by pulling out the tree and working on the irrigation. A variety of plants were brought in to fill in the large area. We selected a good mix of evergreens and flowers to keep the yard looking nice no matter what season. Fragrant Sumac, Blue Mist Spireas, Potentillas, Karl Foresters, a pinion tree and several varieties of low growing Junipers were planted with irrigation run to each plant.
We pulled out the moss rock border that separated the gravel from the bed area and re-did it with new rock. Outdoor landscape lighting and trenched a dry riverbed was installed and was filled with 2-4" river rock to help with drainage and erosion.
Several character stones were placed throughout the landscape and covered the area with walk-on bark to help control weeds and retain moisture for the plants. We were just as pleasantly pleased on how it turned out as much as our client!