Weekly Tip 05/05/2020
Just like every other industry, businesses involved in landscaping have their own jargon related to everything from appearance of shrubs to zone designations for planting.
In the next few weeks, we will go over some common industry terms you might hear!
Soil mender: Desert Rose uses “Back To Earth Cotton Burr Blend” which consists of composted cotton burrs, composted shredded hardwood, and composted feedstock. This makes BTE Cotton Burr Blend an ideal general-purpose mulch for amending clay or sandy soils. This product is available with elemental sulfur to help neutralize high pH soils. It also contains no chemicals, weeds, insects, or harmful pathogens. Soils low in organic matter and humus or with poor tilth (i.e. low suitability for plant growth) and structure cannot be rejuvenated with chemical fertilizers. Back To Earth composts can quickly start improvement of such soils, since it begins to function immediately, restoring vital organic matter and humus to soils, regardless of soil conditions.
Yum Yum Mix Fertilizer: This is an all-purpose fertilizer and soil conditioner. It is a premium blend of organic and natural alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, greensand, kelp meal, planters II, rock phosphate, humate, and dry molasses. Yum Yum Mix is a rich source of major nutrient elements. Earthworms and soil micro-organisms respond to this natural banquet by breaking down minerals and organic matter into available nutrients for your plants. This product is natural, organic and completely safe for family, pets, wildlife and everything you grow. It is free of animal products, petrochemicals, and sewage sludge. It is also vegetarian approved – no blood, no bones. Yum Yum Mix improves soil tilth, moisture retention, plant vigor, and stress resistance. Used regularly, it helps create a balanced pH and a naturally fertile soil. Perfect for growing all annuals, perennials, vegetables, lawns, trees and shrubs.